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Dr. Narendra Mehta, M.D. (Hom.) practices in Mumbai, India since 40 years. He has studied homeopathy intensively for thirty years. Dr. Narendra Mehta is an internationally acclaimed physician and teacher. Over the years, he has conducted seminars and workshops for practitioners and students in Moscow, Brazil, USA, Canada and many places in India like Mumbai, Akola,.Chandigarh, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jalandhar, Karad, Nanded, Nashik , Buldhana etc..

Courage is the other name for Dr. Narendra Mehta. He is a very positive person, ready to accept any challenge in his life. After graduating in science, in his early thirties, he again joined the homoeopathy college, inspired by the cure of an incurable disease by homoeopathy. It was a courageous act to attempt to scale new heights of excellence in yet another medical stream, as it is not easy to turn over one’s career.
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