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Dr. Narendra Mehta, M.D.( Hom.) practices in Mumbai, India since 40 years. He has studied homeopathy intensively for thirty years. Dr. Narendra Mehta is an internationally acclaimed physician and teacher. Over the years, he has conducted seminars and workshops for practitioners and students in Moscow, Brazil, USA, Canada and many places in India like Mumbai, Akola,.Chandigarh, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Jalandhar, Karad, Nanded, Nashik , Buldhana etc.

Courage is the other name for Dr. Narendra Mehta. He is a very positive person, ready to accept any challenge in his life. After graduating in science, in his early thirties, he again joined the homoeopathy college, inspired by the cure of an incurable disease by homoeopathy. It was a courageous act to attempt to scale new heights of excellence in yet another medical stream, as it is not easy to turn over one’s career.

Dr. Mehta has worked with Predictive Homoeopathy group for a long time where he created a lasting impression as an enthusiastic person replete with energy. He was the mastermind behind the working of this group. As the M.D. of this group, he had very efficiently organized and handled national workshops and seminars for the same.

It is unusual to hear that grave and terminal cases of tumours, comas, cancers etc. can be cured by homoeopathic medicines. But everyone cannot do that for it needs a good line of treatment. Normally homoeopaths are apprehensive to take up deep-seated cases of cancers, tumours and coma. But the history of Dr. Mehta’s homoeopathic practice shows that he has not only accepted the challenge of taking up these dangerous cases but has also shown amazing and successful results in these cases. He emphasizes that he could do so only because of his thorough understanding, of homeopathy and the right follow-up of the cases, which instilled confidence in him to treat and cure such dangerous cases.

He has written two books “THE FOLLOW-UP” and “UNDERSTANDING OF MATERIA MEDICA” where he presents to the readers what he has learnt regarding the follow-up of the cases through his rich work experience. It is his sincere attempt to share with the readers the knowledge he has gained as the success of a case depends mainly upon the right follow-up of the cases. His immense experience and knowledge has been share in “UNDERSTANDING OF MATERIA MEDICA”. These books have helped and increased confidence of many up coming homeopaths.

Dr. Mehta has given very good results in deep seated diseases like Brain Tumour, Coma, Cancer, Macular Degeneration, Astrocytoma, Glioma, Meningioma, Moya Moya syndrome, Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, PCOD, OCD, Asthma, Alopecia, Cardiac diseases etc
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